Developing and Delivering Successful Projects
Developing and delivering successful projects to support vulnerable women and children in low-income households and deprived communities.
Establishing New Partnerships
Establishing new partnerships to tackle complex issues affecting the social and economic well-being of low-income and deprived communities, to create a more caring, kinder, and safer society.
Communicating local needs or priorities and promoting effective interventions to key decision-makers and stakeholders
Regulatory Compliance
Ensuring regulatory compliance, good governance and accountability in our organisation.
To achieve this, our work will primarily focus on:
Continuing with the development, delivery and evaluation of our key programmes and range of projects.
Partnership and collaborations with community-based self-help/grassroots groups, CSOs and other NGOs that are working towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) numbers 1-5 or tackling social issues affecting the society or local areas. Particularly focusing on activities relating to Gender Based Violence, Female Safety and Safeguarding for young children.
Using our stakeholder status to effectively contribute to the Government’s social policy and social welfare agendas; through constructive evaluation, providing evidence-based information, contributions to stakeholder consultations and engagements. Partnering with sector leaders/coalition networks, relevant national agencies, and the Ogun State Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development.
Strengthening Phebe Foundation’s capacity and compliance with the new regulatory framework for NGOs, though our membership and association with the activities of the Nigeria Network of NGOs (NNNGO). We will also engage with other national and international organisations supporting NGO development and capacity building.